Vermont Bee Lab Drop-off Bee Sample Station

Vermont Bee Lab Drop-off Bee Sample Station

The Chaffee Art Center now has a permanent Vermont Bee Lab Drop-off Bee Sample Station!

Samples may now be delivered to the Chaffee Art Center, 16 South Main Street, Rutland, VT 05701. The Permanent DROP-OFF BOX is located under the potting bench at the back of the mansion adjacent to the Parking Lot.

The Vermont Bee Lab is a research and outreach laboratory dedicated to the protection of pollinators. We provide diagnostic services, free of charge, to any Vermont beekeeper looking to evaluate the health of their honey bee colonies. We test for Varroa mites and Nosema, allowing beekeepers to make informed disease management decisions. The data collected also contributes to our citizen science project which evaluates the degree and distribution of honey bee diseases across the state. If you are interested in submitting diagnostic samples, follow the instructions below. We ask that you fill out one of our submission forms to be delivered with your samples or emailed directly to our lab at


Instructions to collect and preserve bee samples for Varroa or Nosema test.

For live sample collection:

  1. Pick up one of our collection kits or use a clean, recycled jar and fill with either 70% isopropyl alcohol or windshield wiper fluid.
  2. Select a frame from the brood chamber of a live colony. If possible, the frame should contain some capped and uncapped brood.
  3. After ensuring the queen is not on the frame, shake live bees from the frame into a container such as a wash basin or bucket.
  4. Using a ½ measuring cup, scoop a level cup (~300 bees) into the container.
  5. Label all sample containers with hive ID, collection date, apiary name, and beekeeper name (Note: permanent marker may rub off if alcohol leaks.)
  6. Fill out the submission form.
  7. Bring samples to your local drop off area OR ship directly to the lab.

Notes for dead-out sample collection:

  • Collect the ½ cup of bees (~300 bees) from the cluster, NOT off the bottom board.
  • If bees show obvious signs of mold, do NOT submit the sample. 
  • Store sample of bees in 70% ethanol or windshield washer fluid until they can be submitted to the lab.

Submitting Samples:

Samples may now be delivered to the Chaffee Art Center, 16 South Main Street, Rutland, VT 05701. The Permanent DROP-OFF BOX is located under the potting bench at the back of the mansion.

Download Sample Submission Form

Samples may also be dropped at one of our drop box locations or shipped directly to the lab: 

Vermont Bee Lab
Jeffords Building, Room 220
63 Carrigan Drive,
Burlington, VT 05405

Diagnostic Report:

Once your samples are processed, you will receive a report of Varroa and Nosema results via email from our team.

See website for more information and FAQ: