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It’s Almost Here — Art in the Park, August 10 & 11

It’s Almost Here — Art in the Park, August 10 & 11

Chaffee Art Center’s 63rd Annual Art in the Park Summer Festival will take place August 10 & 11 in Rutland’s Main Street Park at the Junction of Routes 4 & 7. Juried fine artists, craftspeople, and specialty food producers will be featured. Rounding out the festival are food vendors, 

Featured Artist: Karen Utiger

Featured Artist: Karen Utiger

By Janelle Faignant Pliers, hammers, torches, wire and saws are her tools but Karen Utiger is not a carpenter.  First she spent a decade making functional pottery — mugs and bowls, espresso cups, plates and pitchers. Then she learned how to fuse glass, but found 

New Exhibit Opening & Garden Party at the Chaffee Art Center July 27th!

New Exhibit Opening & Garden Party at the Chaffee Art Center July 27th!

The Chaffee Art Center, Your Center for Creativity, is getting ready for “Connections” … An intergenerational Exhibit that opens Saturday, July 27, 2–4pm with our 2nd Annual Garden Party! Thanks to Sponsor, Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging. We invite the community to join us for this 

63rd Annual Summer Art in the Park

63rd Annual Summer Art in the Park

For more information, please see Art in the Park