Kids Classes (18 and under)

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL CLASSES by noon the day before the class unless otherwise noted.
Safety Protocols, mask policy;
Limited number of students

Download enrollment, permission, and financial forms

Go to Teen-only classes

Have you seen the classes we offer adults? Check them out here.

Chaffee Summer Camps

Get ready for a  fantastic summer filled with art, laughter, creativity and FUN!
Can’t wait to see what these young aspiring artists create this year!
Also be sure to check out our Youth Classes offered monthly.
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Monthly Classes

Kids’ Mandala Painting

Thursday, Mar. 27
$20 per person includes all supplies
Min: 5
Get ready for a fun, mindful and relaxing experience! Attendees will choose among a few items for their mandala art creation. It can be achieved with multiple mediums … painting, coloring, markers. The repetition of patterns and choice of colors provides a pathway to process emotions, boost self-esteem, gives a sense of accomplishment, plus allows exploration and self-expression.

Family Fun Oil Painting for Ages 5 and Up*

1st Saturday of each month

Saturday, Apr. 5
$30 per attendee includes all supplies
Instructor: Spencer Pelkey,
Min: 5
Ages: 5 & up
(*Those ages 5–15 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.)

We encourage families and friends to gather your crew and join us. This is a family friendly class where you can have fun while creating art together. These classes are open to groups of children and adults, no experience necessary. 

If you’re coming with others, give us your group’s name and we will try to sit you together. 
Attendees will learn the Alla Prima Oil technique. This practice involves applying wet paint to wet paint, done in one sitting. Follow along with an instructor and leave with a finished painting. 

Must Pre-register

Kids Oil Painting (Alla Prima Technique)

Saturday, Apr. 19
Ages: 6–12
Instructor: Spencer Pelkey
$25 per person includes all supplies
Min: 5, Max: 12

Learn the Alla Prima Oil technique. This practice has been around for centuries beginning in Europe and involves applying wet paint to wet paint, done in one sitting. Follow along with an instructor and leave with a finished painting.

Must Pre-register

Teen Oil Painting (Alla Prima Technique)

Saturday, Apr. 19
Ages: 12–17
Instructor: Spencer Pelkey
$30 per person includes all supplies
Min: 5, Max: 12

Learn the Alla Prima Oil technique. This practice has been around for centuries beginning in Europe and involves applying wet paint to wet paint, done in one sitting. Follow along with an instructor and leave with a finished painting.
Must Pre-register

Pour Painting

Saturday, Apr. 26
Instructor: Lorrie Amerio Maniery
$30 per person includes all supplies
Min: 5, Max: 12
Learn the pour painting technique.
Follow along with an instructor and leave with a finished painting.
Must Pre-register

April Vacation Camp at the Chaffee — Discover the World of Mosaics

Wednesday through Friday; Apr. 23–25
Ages 6–12
Instructor: Karen Wurster
Join Ms. Karen as she Introduces campers to paper and glass mosaics. Explore Free style abstract, Color-block design, and more!
Must pre-register

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Weekly Offerings

CreativeStudioSpace — Click to learn more!

Drop n Paint Weekly Saturday Activity

All Ages
Time: 12–2pm
$25 per person — All materials will be set up and ready for you with a choice of 3 images you can paint. Includes use of: Canvas, paint, brushes, easel, smock.
[Youth must be accompanied by an adult.]
If last minute decision, please call first!
Note: This is DIY. If you would like an instructor at an additional fee, please call 802.775.0356

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2025 Summer Camps

802-775-0356 or [email protected]

BEFORE & AFTER CARE: Available for all camps 8–9am and 4–5pm, must pre-register. $15/hr. Also, please add $15 if they need to stay for lunch 12–1pm. Must pre-register.

Camp forms:
Camp and Class sign-up 2025
Camp Permission Form 2025
Camp Financial Aid 2025
Camp Medical Form 2025

Create Art Studio Camp

Dates: June 23–27
Time: 9am–12pm
Ages: 6–12
Cost: $150
Let’s play with paint! Campers will spend the week drawing and painting with various mediums … watercolor, pastel, acrylic and more!
Instructor: Deb Dauphinais
Minimum enrollment: 5

Explore the Art of Nature

Dates: June 23–27
Time: 1–4pm
Ages: 6–12
Cost: $150
Explore the Art of Nature using natural elements. Rocks can be used to create sculptures, mosaics and for mandala painting. Leaves and twigs can make a fun collage. Lots of fun surprises!
Instructor: Karen Wurster
Minimum enrollment: 5

The Art of Science

Dates: June 30–July 3 (Mon–Thur)
Time: 9am–12pm
Ages: 6-12
Cost: $120
Let’s have fun with science and create slime, tie-dye, shaving cream art and more!
Instructor: MIchele Robie
Minimum enrollment: 5

Theater Improv Camp

Dates: July 7–11
Time: 9am–12pm
Ages: 6–12
Cost: $150
Campers will learn the fundamentals of improv through theater exercises, games & workshops.  This camp is intended to be a fun and positive introduction to theater exploration and developing acting and performance skills such as character development and presentation, stage awareness, storytelling, and working collaboratively. We will use long form Improvisation to create a short play of a story chosen by the participants which will be performed for parents on the last day of the camp. 
Instructor: Cathy Archer; Minimum 5

All About Sculptures

Dates: July 7–11
Time: 1–4pm
Ages: 6–12
Cost: $150
Campers will use wood, mixed textiles, paint & papier-maché to create Sculpture art and more! They will also use other mediums to tell a story about their creations.
Instructor: Karen Wurster
Minimum enrollment: 5

Musical Theater — ALL DAY CAMP

Dates: July 14-18
Time: 9am–4pm (hour break for lunch)
Ages: 6–12
Cost: $295
The world’s a stage and there’s music playing! Campers will explore the world of theater through a musical lens, working with dance and singing to create characters and hone performance skills. This camp ends with a showcase where campers will present a musical performance of “The Lion King” for friends and family.
Instructor: Marisa Valent
Minimum enrollment: 5

Puppets, Puppets, Puppets

Dates: July 21, 22, 23 (Mon–Wed)
Time: 9am–12pm
Ages: 6–12
Cost: $95
Using the the summer library reading theme “Color our World” campers will write a puppet play, create hand puppets and backdrops, learn how to operate the puppets and put on a puppet show for family on the last day of the camp. 

Instructor: Cathy Archer; Minimum 5

Clay Creations

Dates: July 21–25
Time: 1–4pm
Ages: 6–12
Cost: $160
Get ready to get your hands dirty with air dry clay! Learn to create sculptures and other pottery, plus how to paint and seal your work.
Instructor: Karen Wurster
Minimum enrollment: 5

Let’s Get Crafty

Dates: July 28–Aug. 1
Time: 9am–12pm
Ages: 6–12
Cost: $150
Crafty Creativity is what this camp is all about!  Make a yarn art gnome, busted canvas, story book art, card making, stamping and other crafts!
Instructor: Michele Robie
Minimum enrollment: 5

Discover the World of Mosaics

Dates: Aug. 4–8
Time: 1–4pm
Ages: 6–12
Cost: $160
Instructor: Karen Wurster
Join Ms. Karen as she Introduces campers to paper and glass mosaics.
Explore Free style abstract, Color-block design, and more!
Minimum enrollment: 5

Play with Art Camp

Dates: Aug. 11–15
Time: 9am–12pm
Ages: 6–12
Cost: $150
Campers will have fun with lots of different art activities such as Graffiti Art, Shrink Art, Make your own Puffy Paint, and more!
Instructor: Matt Aucoin
Minimum enrollment: 5

Cartoon-O-Rama Camp

Dates: Aug. 11–15
Time: 1-4pm
Ages: 6–12
Cost: $150
Enter the world of cartoons!  Learn character design and story telling, create a comic strip, and go home with a comics-anthology/magazine that includes comic strips from all the campers. Plus, have fun with caricatures.
Instructor: Matt Aucoin
Minimum enrollment: 5

All About The Arts

Dates: Aug. 18–22
Time: 9am–12pm
Ages: 6–12
Cost:  $150
This camp will explore many forms of art: painting of ceramics, crafting, creating your own story book art using scrapbooking techniques, stickers, stamps, photos and more, plus fun surprises!
Instructor: Michele Robie
Minimum enrollment: 5

Robots! Robots! Robots!

Dates: Aug. 18–22
Time: 1–4pm
Ages: 6–12
Cost: $150
All about Robots! This popular camp is back! Build a robot buddy from recycled materials, as well as robot games and dancing!
Instructor: Karen Wurster
Minimum enrollment: 5

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Payments and Refunds

Checks payable to: Chaffee Art Center
16 South Main Street, Rutland VT 05701
[email protected]

Effective April 22, 2024 — Full payment is required to secure your space in classes. There are minimum and maximum enrollment limits, so be sure to register quickly to ensure your place. Students will be notified if a class is to be canceled due to low registration at least a week in advance and will be refunded in full.

Refund requests must be received at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the class. An administration fee of 50% of the class price is non-refundable, and the credit card charge will be added. After the two-week window, a partial class credit may be processed at the discretion of the Director. Class credits are non-refundable/non-transferable. No shows or cancellations the day of the class are not eligible for refund or class credit.

Please note: Classes are normally held in our second floor studio only accessible via the grand staircase. Sometimes we are able to hold them on the first floor that is accessible by a ramp from the parking lot, or you may be able to do it via zoom. It is important to call ahead to see if we can make arrangements.