Classes for all ages and abilities!

Keep watching for summer camp and class offerings
Painting Everything!
Wednesdays, 4 week session — March 23, 30, April 6, 13; 4-5:15pm
This class is perfect for the young aspiring artist or homeschooler ages 6-12 as they explore 4 weeks of multiple painting mediums.
Must pre-register
Instructor: Helvi Abatiell
Ages: 6-12
Min 5
Fee: 4 weeks at $80
Painting Everything II
Wednesdays, 4 week session — March 23, 30, April 6, 13; 5:30-7pm
This class is perfect for the young aspiring artist or homeschooler ages 12+ as they explore 4 weeks of multiple painting mediums.
Must pre-register
Instructor: Helvi Abatiell
Ages: 12+
Min 5
Fee: 4 weeks at $80
How to Draw
Thursdays 3:30-5pm /4 week session — March 24, 31, April 7, 14
Students will explore 4 weeks of multiple drawing techniques to include 3-D, Pop Art, Landscape and more.
Ages 12-18
4 weeks for $80
Min 5
Instructor: Jason Bemis
Must pre-register
Clay 5 week Session
Currently happening 4-5:30pm March 3 through March 31
Instructor: Helvi Abatiell
Early Learning Adventures; Literacy-based integrative arts for the very young
9:30am to 10:30am — ages 1 1/2 to 4
10:45am -12:15pm — ages 5-8
Instructor: Rosemary Moser
$20 per class; sign up for 4 classes at $60
Min 5
Must pre-register
A high-quality picture book is the foundation of each WoodSpryte Arts class. From there we explore learning through integrated arts experiences, all linked to the book. We’ll enjoy music & movement, science and math, visual art & dramatic play, social & emotional learning, and more.
Saturday Kids Class with weekly theme
10-11am…March 19
Explore Fiber Arts, Instructor Helen Taylor
Create your own mini quilt square with hand sewing.
• Must pre-register
• 10-11am
• Ages 6-12
• Minimum students: 5
Sign up for 4 weeks for $60 or per class $20
Saturday Kids Class with weekly theme
10-11am…March 26
It’s All About the Arts…drawing with Instructor Helvi Abatiell
• Must pre-register
• 10-11am
• Ages 6-12
• Minimum students: 5
Sign up for 4 weeks for $60 or per class $20
Basics of Drawing
Wed. 5:30-7pm /4 week session…March 23, 30, April 6, 13
Learn the basic of drawing that include lines and shading with perspective.
Supplies provided. All abilities welcome ages 15+.
4 weeks for $85
Min 5
Instructor: Brooks Blanchard
Must pre-register
Figure Drawing with live model 3rd Wednesday of each month 5-7pm
Bring own supplies.
Minimum students 4
Sign up for 4 weeks at $60 or $20 per class
Must pre-register
Book Group
Next Book Group will meet on March 16th to discuss “The Untethered Soul” by Michael A. Singer
Book Group meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday
RSVP Required
Advanced Drawing Techniques
Thursdays 1:30-3pm /4 week session…March 24, 31, April 7, 14
4 weeks for $85
Min 5
Instructor: Jason Bemis
Must preregister
Adult Handbuilding with Clay
2 sessions, Thursdays, March 24th and 31st
Students will learn to create with clay. After project is kiln fired, they will learn how to finish the piece.
Must preregister
$60 for 2 classes
Minimum 5
Instructor: Helvi Abatiell
Must pre-register
Sip N Dip
Saturday, March 26th
Are YOU ready for some fun!
$35 per person
Instructor: Sally Hogan
Minimum 10 to hold the class
Must RSVP to reserve your spot and pay before the class date
Note: Babysitting available additional $10 (they will complete a project)
RSVP Required
[email protected]
-Private classes are available.
-Let us know if there’s a class you would like us to offer!