Thanks to everyone that attend our 1st Annual Garden Party on Saturday, July 22 (1–3pm) on the grounds of the Chaffee Art Center! This Free summer event was filled with lots of fun activities, demos and speakers, light refreshments, garden tours, Castleton Ukulele Group playing old favorites and more. Artisans were set up selling their affordable, handmade items. Attendees were able to explore the 100 x 9 foot Pollinator Garden with native plantings, growing Sculpture Garden, beautiful outdoor area with expanded grass section, and over a dozen more gardens on our historic property. And as always, had to visit our 1890s Queen Anne Victorian Mansion full of art, gift ideas and stunning architecture.
Speakers/Demos were:

1:15pm — Rutland Garden Club flower arranging demo using perennial flowers. Learned about perennial flower utilization beds.
1:45pm — Bee the Change presented and gave out a FREE native plant to attendees
2pm — Vermont Center for Ecostudies talked about native bees in VT with a show & tell
2:30pm — Rutland County Audubon Society “Wildlife habitat protection and connection”
Plus, The Chaffee Art Center now has a permanent Vermont Bee Lab Drop-off Bee Sample Station!
Samples may now be delivered to the Chaffee Art Center, 16 South Main Street, Rutland, VT 05701. The Permanent DROP-OFF BOX is located under the potting bench at the back of the mansion adjacent to the Parking Lot. The VT Bee Lab provides diagnostic services, free of charge, to any Vermont beekeeper looking to evaluate the health of their colonies. They have drop boxes located throughout the state. Instructions for sample collection and submission can be found at https://www.vermontbeelab.com/diagnostics/
Garden History:
In summer 2022, we began the project of restoring the beauty of our historic grounds to match the magnificence of the mansion architecture. One part of the project was to create a Pollinator Garden of native flowers and bushes thanks to a grant from the Rutland County Audubon Society. To do this, it took an army of volunteers … thanks to everyone who made this possible!
It began with excavation by Kurt Hathaway of a 40 x 46 foot section of knotweed, as well as a 100 x 9 foot area, and a 60 x 18 foot area. Markowski Excavating donated topsoil for these areas. Volunteers planted a huge number of native plants and bushes. The 100-foot trellis fence was installed behind the pollinator garden by GE Volunteers, prepped by
Rutland City and South Rotary Clubs.
Another part of this project was to create a Sculpture Garden. A 70-foot section of trellis fencing was installed by GE Volunteers, with more native plants and bushes planted among sculptures, in front is a large grass area perfect for an outdoor gathering, and to be used as an outdoor classroom for camps and classes.
Along with the new gardens, we enhanced the three gardens close to the back of the mansion creating a rain garden complete with its own potting bench; a butterfly garden; and the third got a new spirea bush and hostas. In front of the mansion are 6 gardens. The Rutland Garden Club has for years done their magic with the front four gardens closest to Route 7. We added some plants and bushes to the gardens closest to the building, planting a few rose bushes behind our stunning hydrangea’s original to the property. There are a few more gardens along the driveway lush with ferns and flowers, and one with peonies original to the property.
We hope you enjoy a stroll outside through the beautiful gardens, and plan to visit the Chaffee during Open Hours to experience the beauty of the 1890’s historic building and the wonderful works of art throughout, plus our Gallery Shoppe! While here, picture your next event, bridal shower, wedding, meeting or retreat being held in our stunning 1890’s mansion, fondly known by its first owners as Sunny Gables.
Schools, Groups and Visitors: We created these outdoor spaces for the community and visitors to enjoy while they learn about native plants, bushes and pollinator gardens. They can be used as an educational tool for area schools and bus groups, visitors as well.
Volunteers welcome! We would love to have help with weeding and keeping these amazing gardens looking spectacular. Check out the Chaffee Art Center Instagram and Facebook pages for updates on events, classes and more. Call 802.775.0356, [email protected],
July 22nd Newsletter
Tomorrow Rutland City and Rutland South Rotary Club volunteers are coming to put up the other trellis fence behind the 100 foot pollinator garden (below). Thank you to them and to Dave Darton, Builder, who is also going to assist.

Thank you to Perry Townsend for spreading around the topsoil that was delivered. And to Michelle Hartline who has volunteered to come weekly to help weed other gardens on the Chaffee grounds. Stop by and see the front 2 up against the mansion…she did them today and planted some new bushes from the Rutland County Audubon Society grant.
We are still going to need mulch, grass seed, and volunteers for this project. And will be doing signage and markers soon too!
We would love to have more help with weeding and keeping these amazing gardens looking spectacular!
Pollinator Garden Project: Our historic grounds will match the beauty of the mansion architecture as we create outdoor spaces for the community and visitors to enjoy while they learn about native plants, bushes and pollinator gardens. It will be an educational tool for area schools and groups as well.
Please let us know if you can help…
[email protected]; 802-775-0356
July 15th newsletter
Our historic grounds will match the beauty of the mansion architecture as we create outdoor spaces for the community and visitors to enjoy while they learn about native plants, bushes and pollinator gardens. It will be an educational tool for area schools and groups as well.
More topsoil will be delivered next week, thank you to Markowski Excavating for the donation!
On July 23rd, Rutland City Rotary will be installing the trellis fencing behind the newly installed 100×9 foot section of the Pollinator Garden.
The butterfly garden is complete. Yesterday, a beautiful monarch was enjoying the plants!
Aubrey, Upward Bound Intern, finished weeding and sprucing up the garden next to it. And the rain garden is almost complete…just a bit of weeding left to do!
We have added four bushes to one of the gardens out front, and the other side will be weeded and planted in the coming week.
Thank you to the Rutland County Audubon Society for the grant to purchase the native plants and bushes. The grant will also allow us to get signage and markers for the gardens.
We are still going to need mulch, grass seed, and volunteers for this project.
We would love to have help with weeding and keeping these amazing gardens looking spectacular!
Please let us know if you can help…
[email protected]; 802-775-0356
A 40 x 46 foot section of knotweed was excavated by Kurt Hathaway, as well as a 100 x 9 foot area, and a 60 x 18 foot area. Markowski Excavating donated topsoil.
So far we have planted a section of native plants and bushes measuring 100 x 9 feet with many, many volunteers … thanks to you all! A trellis fence will be installed behind it in the coming weeks.
A 70 foot section of trellis fencing has been installed (Thanks to GE Volunteers). And more native plants and bushes planted in front of it.
Along with all that, we are sprucing up and planting in the 3 gardens close to the back of the mansion … one is becoming a rain garden complete with its own potting bench. Another is almost finished and will be the butterfly garden. The third is getting a new spirea bush and hostas with a few bright annuals.
The Rutland Garden Club has for years done their magic with the front four gardens closest to Route 7. We are adding some plants and bushes to those closest to the front of the mansion as well.
Thank you to the Rutland County Audubon Society for the grant to purchase the native plants and bushes. The grant will also allow us to get signage and markers for the gardens.
We are still going to need mulch, more topsoil and help with this project.
We would love to have help with weeding and keeping these amazing gardens looking spectacular! Please let us know if you can … [email protected]; 802-775-0356