Holiday shopping left to do?

Holiday shopping left to do?

Chaffee Gallery Shoppe open Thursday and Friday noon to 4pm; and Saturday 10am to 2pm.  Holiday Member Exhibit on display and for sale. See our WALLS OF SMALLS that make great gifts! All who visit receive a FREE Ann Clark cookie cutter specially customized for 

This could be yours❣️

This could be yours❣️

Enter your GINGERBREAD CREATION on December 2 or 3 and get this gingerbread cookie cutter kit FREE! Details here Gingerbread Contest AND stop in to our Gallery Shoppe for a great selection of ANN CLARK LTD COOKIE CUTTERS. The perfect gift, ornament, present add-on or fun 

22 Questions With Robert Brunelle

22 Questions With Robert Brunelle

1. Name: Robert Waldo Brunelle Jr. 2. Age: 62 3. Hometown: I was born in Rutland in 1958. My family has lived there since 1905. My folks still live there today! 4. How would you describe yourself in three words? Creative. Antiquarian. Humorous.  5. What’s something not a lot of people 

22 Questions with Karen Seward

22 Questions with Karen Seward

1. Name: Karen Wingard Seward 2. Age: 76 3. Hometown: Rutland but I grew up in Clarendon 4. How would you describe yourself in three words? Creative, inquisitive, helpful 5. What’s something not a lot of people know about you? I’m a synesthete – I see letters and numbers in