Featured Artist: Ethan B. Nelson

Featured Artist: Ethan B. Nelson

By Phoebe Wood “I have always created,” Ethan shares. “But I wasn’t comfortable calling myself an artist until 2022 when a friend casually lumped me in with ‘artists’ in a general statement about how frustrating it is that we all have a huge stash of 

Featured Artist: Anthony Surratt

Featured Artist: Anthony Surratt

by Janelle Faignant There isn’t necessarily a plan when it starts. Actually, “I prefer to start without a plan,” Anthony Surratt said, and two of his paintings in the recent Chaffee show ‘Connections’ started with newspapers from the 1980s. “My dad was a truck driver 

Featured Artist: Karen Utiger

Featured Artist: Karen Utiger

By Janelle Faignant Pliers, hammers, torches, wire and saws are her tools but Karen Utiger is not a carpenter.  First she spent a decade making functional pottery — mugs and bowls, espresso cups, plates and pitchers. Then she learned how to fuse glass, but found 

Featured Artist: Beejay Jeromin

Featured Artist: Beejay Jeromin

By Janelle Faignant The irony is that Beejay Jeromin has always been a color person, even though she grew up in a dark room. “My dad was a professional newspaper photographer,” she said in a recent phone conversation, “so I have always loved photography.” She’s