Become an Art In The Park Sponsor

Annual Art in the Park Festivals
August 9 & 10, 2025
October 11 & 12, 2025
Rutland’s Main Street Park

We hope that you will consider being a part of Vermont’s oldest continuing arts tradition as a sponsor of the 64th Annual Art in the Park Festivals this year, August 9 & 10 and October 11 & 12. As in the past, the event is held in Main Street Park with over 6000 people attending to browse the fine art and fine craft booths, sample specialty foods, eat at our food vendors, take in the live music and free activities for children. Hours: Saturday 10-5; Sunday 10-4. The shows not only attract people who live within driving distance, but also the thousands of tourists who travel Routes 4 & 7.

There are many options for sponsorship:

$2000 Premier Sponsorship for both festivals!

There is an opportunity for one premier sponsorship for each festival. The premier sponsor would receive all benefits listed below with logo used. Benefits will include some highly visible and prominent additions. Opportunity for signage (provided to Chaffee) to be hung in the park during the festival or on the fencing surround the park facing traffic.
• Logo on Chaffee website Art in the Park page with link to Premier Sponsor website.
• Sponsorship choice of an Exhibit in 2025-2026 within the Chaffee Art Center mansion.
• Plus, opportunity to have a table display in the Chaffee main tent during the festival sponsored with your company’s informational giveaways and/or promotional giveaways for festival. If your display is very large, there may be room for a tent (you provide) which we would know as we get closer to the event(s).
• Your company listed in press releases, print ads, social media, posters, and listed on sponsor signage at October festival.
• Banner hung (you provide) during festival

$1250 Premier Sponsorship for ONE Festival

• Logo on Chaffee website Art in the Park page with link to Premier Sponsor website.
• Your company listed in press releases, print ads, social media, posters, and listed on sponsor signage at either the August OR October festivals.
• Banner hung (you provide) for one festival.
• Table under the Chaffee main tent with your company’s informational giveaways and/or promotional giveaways for one festival. If your display is very large, there may be room for a tent (you provide) which we would know as we get closer to the event(s).

$850 Support Sponsor of BOTH festivals

• Logo on Chaffee website Art in the Park page
• Your company listed in press releases, print ads, social media, posters, and listed on sponsor signage at the festival.
• Plus, Sponsor choice for one of the following … Gift Show Nov 2025, Cabaret Event 2025/26, or Gingerbread Contest Dec 2025. Note: There can be multiple sponsors

$650 — Sponsor of ONE festival with above Support Sponsor benefits

$450 — Includes sponsorship of BOTH the summer (August 9 & 10) and the fall (October 11 & 12) festivals.
Your company listed in press releases, print ads, social media, posters, and listed on sponsor signage at the August and October festivals. Note: There can be multiple sponsors

$250 — Sponsorship of ONE festival.
Your company listed in press releases, print ads, social media, posters, and listed on sponsor signage at EITHER the August OR October festival. Note: There can be multiple sponsors