Become a sponsor today and support the arts in your community. Garner positive advertisement for your business from both local and tourist visitors alike.
What your sponsorship money is supporting:
- Exhibit schedule,
- Children’s and Adult’s Art Education
- Community Outreach Projects.
How your sponsorship is helping the community:
- Ensure Exhibits are free to the public
- Provide area students opportunities to have their art hung in a gallery, as well as to experience classes.
- Provide area student population the opportunity to have meaningful art gallery internships.
- Ensure local, national and international artists can share their art with all of us.
Sponsorship benefits to your business:
- Your sponsorship is tax deductible because we are a 501(c)3 nonprofit.
You will be acknowledged on postcards/posters, on our website, at our Annual Meeting, and Art in the Park festivals.
Sponsor Levels
Silver Sponsor
Sponsor of one exhibit receives acknowledgement in digital and print exhibit programming materials, posted recognition in the Chaffee during the exhibit, company name and link on the Chaffee website, and notices to all events to share with employees. Companies receive public thanks at Art in the Park entrances, and in the Chaffee Annual Report.
Gold Sponsor
All benefits, as noted for the Silver Sponsor, for two exhibits of your choice.
Platinum Sponsor
All Benefits as noted for Gold Sponsor for the entire year, as well as company name and logo listed in Art in the Park brochures. Company banner and brochures shared at Chaffee fundraising events.
Sponsor of Distinction ($5,000.00)
All Benefits as noted for Platinum Sponsor for the entire year. Use of the Chaffee Art Center for a two hour private evening event. (Based on availability)
For more information and pricing, send us an email or call (802) 775-0356.