Street Art Camp

Mural Camp started off with a walking tour of area murals and some spontaneous street art.
chalk art 2 chalk art 1

chalk art 3

During Day Two of Chaffee’s Street Art Camp, our campers have begun the group mural project to be hung on the Vermont Farm and Food Center.  They started with a primer on our plywood canvas and followed by their base coat.  More work to be done tomorrow!

plywood MURAL CAMP DAY 2


Afterwards the teens worked on their individual sections.

mural section 1 mural section 2 (2) mural section 4 mural section 2

Keeping in theme of Farm, Food, and Environment the teens each choose Farm, Strawberry Field, Apple Orchard, and Green Energy.

mural before clear coat

A clear protective coat was added so that the colors will stand up to elements.  It gave the mural a glossy finish.

clear coat 2

Finally we installed at the Vermont Farm and Food Center on West Street in Rutland.

installation of mural