22 Questions with Gary Parzych

1. Name: Gary Parzych
2. Age: 23
3. Hometown: I’m from Emerson, New Jersey. Just this year I moved to Clarendon, Vermont and I’m excited to be here!
4. How would you describe yourself in three words? Imaginative. Dedicated. Collector.
5. What’s something not a lot of people know about you? I am working on growing my collection of Vermont Marble Company remnants/ artifacts.
6. How do you start your day? I have a bad habit of waking up and checking all my social media accounts before even getting out of bed. Once I’ve done that routine, it’s time to get up and start the day.
7. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life? I’ve driven across the country, from LA to NYC! In February of 2020 I flew to Los Angeles, for what was supposed to be a month-long trip. As Covid-19 grew worse and worse, I decided that I should cut the trip early and return to the east coast. I woke up one morning, rented a car, and drove the 3,000 miles from LA to NYC in just three days. It was a fun trip but it was a little tough to do alone during that scary time of not knowing anything about Covid. I can’t wait to do it again when it’s safe to do so!
8. What’s your favorite food? Mac and Cheese. It’s just a classic that I will never get tired of.
9. Do you have a day job? No. I’m lucky enough to be living the dream- building my sculpture studio in Vermont and starting my own sculpture related business! More details to come soon.
10. What medium do you work in? Metal and Stone. My favorite metals are Cast Iron or Steel. My favorite stone is Rutland Striped Brocadillo, it’s a beautiful white marble with delicate green veins.
11. Why this medium? I’m drawn to these materials because of the complex process that they require to be manipulated. I like their industrial nature. The combination of metal and stone is interesting to me because one is liquid and malleable while the other is literally “rock solid” and very hard to manipulate. Both have their pros and cons but as long as I continue working with them I will also continue learning about them and the history of their role in art, and architecture, and even survival!
12. What inspired you / how did it start? I am really inspired by the history of the industries that revolve around the materials I use. For example, I am drawn to the process quarrying to get stone, or of smelting ore to get metal. I’ve always appreciated art and especially sculpture. In 2015 I began my studies of Sculpture and Art History at Massachusetts College of Art. It was there, in Boston where I found an amazing group of metal workers who became great friends. Then I found the same at the Carving Studio in West Rutland, and that’s how I ended up here!
13. Do you have a process for creating? Most of the materials I use have a pretty specific process of being worked with. Most include heavy tools and machinery that needs to function in a certain way. Because of this, a lot of my creativity happens on the problem solving end- how to make something in the most efficient manner, or how to make something structural and capable of withstanding elements.
14. When are you the most inspired / what’s your favorite time of day to work? A lot of ideas come to me at night time, usually before bed. But I find that it’s best to do the physical work in the mornings and during the day because that’s when I’m able to be the most efficient. However, sometimes when I really get in the zone I just can’t stop!
15. Which artists inspire you? Henry Moore has been a longtime favorite of mine. I like the way he is able engage and activate negative spaces within recognizable forms. Another favorite is Takashi Murakami. He has found a really interesting balance between fine art and pop culture. His ability to take dark/heavy concepts and squeeze them into friendly and approachable characters is a powerful skill that I look up to!
16. What do you listen to when you work? It depends on what I’m working on. I always like to change it up, so some sort of “decade mix” playlist is good for me!
17. What are your thoughts on being an artist in Rutland? I love being an artist in Rutland. While I’m relatively new to the area, I feel so at home. I was really drawn to the area by the history of Rutland County. I’m thankful for the warm welcomes that I have received by art institutions and individuals alike. I’m also really excited to see public artworks being commissioned on such a regular basis. It’s reassuring to me to know that people are appreciative of, and receptive to sculpture and public art. It’s great to see some of the companies in Rutland sponsoring and supporting the arts and I hope that this continues to grow.
18. What’s your earliest memory of making art in Rutland? In June of 2017 I came to West Rutland as an intern at the Carving Studio and Sculpture Center. Walking around the site was so inspiring to me, and part of the reason why I have since moved to Rutland County! My first marble sculpture was made at CSSC and it was a silly looking troll or gnome type creature. That was the beginning of it all!
19. Why do you think artists are attracted to Rutland? Rutland is a really unique place. It’s history is unlike anywhere else. It’s community is really supportive and welcoming. The many art galleries, art schools, and established artists in the area is another draw for artists in Rutland. One of my personal favorites is the Downtown Rutland Sculpture Trail.
20. Which arts organizations in town are you involved with and how has it impacted you? The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center feels like a second home to me. I love being there and I feel relaxed/ inspired/ motivated/ excited when I spend any time there. I recently joined Chaffee Art Center and I am thrilled to be exhibiting some of my sculptures there. I’m also really inspired by the gallery itself and the beautiful work they have on display from other members. Both CSSC and Chaffee have made me feel so welcome and I am looking forward to continuing working with both groups for hopefully many years to come!
21. What’s your favorite art exhibit/project you’ve seen in Rutland? Art in the Park is my favorite art event in Rutland. Every year it never fails to put a smile on my face. I like walking through and seeing the talent that lives and works in Rutland. The murals by Persi Narvaez are another favorite. They bring so much color and energy to the downtown and I always love looking at them because every time I look, I find something new.
22. What would you like to see for the future of the arts in Rutland? The future of the Arts in Rutland seems to be bright. It’s a long shot- but some sort of big art museum with both permanent and rotating collections would be so fun! I also hope that artists from around the world continue to visit Rutland and continue to share and contribute to Rutland’s history.

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